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Dokuwiki Spatial

logo Dokuwiki Spatial provides spatial extensions for DokuWiki. Currently we have:


The default configuration of DokuWiki does not come with all of the required mimetypes. You will want to add the following file extensions/mimetypes to you wiki:

extensionmimetype plugin
.kml application/ Openlayersmap plugin, Spatialhelper plugin
.json !application/json Openlayersmap plugin
.geojson !application/vnd.geo+json Openlayersmap plugin
.georss application/atom+xml Spatialhelper plugin
.gpx !application/gpx+xml Openlayersmap plugin

For more on configuring mimetypes see: mime


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start.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/01/24 11:27 by mprins