====== map with links in the popups ======
This map shows how to use [[wiki:syntax|dokuwiki formatting]] in the popups of the points of interest.
===== code =====
49.9780098,5.1839387,270,.7,marker-gold.png,Faux Mayaux; Maissin \\ ** Watch out crossing the street **
50.0117497,5.1287857,60,.8,marker-green.png,Pont de Barbouillons; Daverdisse \\ external link: [[http://test.com|test.com]] \\ internal link: [[::start]]
===== result =====
49.9780098,5.1839387,270,.7,marker-gold.png,Faux Mayaux; Maissin \\ ** Watch out crossing the street **
50.0117497,5.1287857,60,.8,marker-green.png,Pont de Barbouillons; Daverdisse \\ external link: [[http://test.com|test.com]] \\ internal link: [[::start]]