====== Spatialhelper plugin====== ** FIXME Some of these examples are broken due to the way PHP is configured at sourceforge. More examples are available at wild-water.nl eg [[https://wild-water.nl/dokuwiki/start?do=findnearby&lat=48.19344&lon=16.46085|search nearby 48º11'36.384"N;16º27'39.06"E]] ** {{:icon.gif?nolink|logo }} This plugin provides helpers for the other [[:start|DokuWiki Spatial plugins]] such as spatial indexing, SEO and a search action. Currently the search action needs a geohash or a lat/lon pair, support for a pagename/ID is in the works. See the [[http://sourceforge.net/p/dokuwikispatial/issues/search/?q=labels%3Aspatialhelper+%26%26+%21status%3Awont-fix+%26%26+%21status%3Aclosed|tracker]] for all requested features. A search url will look something like this (examples below): https://dokuwikispatial.sourceforge.io/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=start&do=findnearby&geohash=u or https://dokuwikispatial.sourceforge.io/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=start&do=findnearby&geohash=u15vk4 [[this>doku.php?id=start&do=findnearby&geohash=u|find pages near geohash u]] or [[this>doku.php?id=start&do=findnearby&geohash=u15vk4|find pages near geohash u15vk4]] or [[this>doku.php?id=start&do=findnearby&lat=50.4&lon=5.9|find pages near 50.4;5.9]] The length (number of characters) of the geohash actually determines the search area, the more characters you strip off the end the larger the search area becomes, that is ''u1'' is a larger area than ''u15vk4''. ===== Sitemap ===== Based on the spatial index sitemaps in both {{:sitemap.kml|KML }} and {{:sitemap.georss|GeoRSS }}are generated, these contain all public pages. Both sitemap documents are stored in the media directory of the wiki and linked in the page headers. code for this sitemap: More information is available at the [[doku>plugin:spatialhelper|DokuWiki plugin site]].